Building Electricians, Pipe Fitters and Plumbers Job Vacancies in Qatar 2014

A company in Qatar need Building Electricians, Pipe Fitters and Plumbers

6 months and above

Company Offers

1. Free food. Extra overtime is applicable, subject to the nature and duration of their work.
2. All are provided with accommodation (sharing) + free electricity & water and transportation to & from the sites.

3. Medical Health card will be provided.

4. Company will provide free ticket to the point of origin to them, only after the successful completion of 2 years’ service with the company.
5. Visas will be processed within a short span of time, and so the candidates should be available immediately.

Salary Qr1000/+ service charge.

NB: if the candidates have past experience working in gulf or UAE the above salary structure will be revised at the time of interview.

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